They are famous, but with their kids, they are normal people. These interesting photos show famous dads playing with their children in the past.
Orson Welles, wife Rita Hayworth and daughter Rebecca at home in 1945. (Peter Stackpole—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Kirk Douglas hugs his son Michael in 1949. (Lisa Larsen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Humphrey Bogart and son Stephen in 1952. J.R. (Eyerman—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Charlton Heston lifts his two-month-old son, Fraser, who is portraying the baby Moses during filming of The Ten Commandments in 1955. (George Silk—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Senator John F. Kennedy with daughter Caroline in 1958. (Ed Clark—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Desi Arnaz cheers on the Dodgers while sitting next to his young son, Desi Jr., and child actor Richard Keith who played "Little Ricky" on I Love Lucy, 1958. (Leonard McCombe—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Dean Martin with his son, Ricci, at home in 1958. (Allan Grant—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Vice President Richard Nixon and daughter Julie at a ballgame, 1958. (Hank Walker—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Tony Curtis smiles at his daughter, Jamie Lee, in 1959. (Allan Grant—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Richard Burton and his future stepdaughter, Liz Taylor and Mike Todd's daughter Liza, in 1962. (Paul Schutzer—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Steve McQueen kisses his daughter Terry goodnight in 1963. (John Dominis—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Sammy Davis Jr. with his son Mark in 1964. (Leonard McCombe—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Dustin Hoffman with his daughter Karina, 1969. (John Dominis—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Jack Nicholson plays with his daughter, Jennifer, on the deck of his home overlooking Franklin Canyon, Los Angeles, 1969. (Arthur Schatz—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Donald Sutherland with his son, Kiefer, in 1970. (Co Rentmeester—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
Robert Redford and his son, David, in Utah in 1970. (John Dominis—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images) |
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