Bring back some good or bad memories


February 19, 2013

Amazing Photographs Capture Everyday Life in Odessa, Soviet Ukraine in 1982

Amaz­ing pho­tographs taken by famous Mag­num pho­tog­ra­pher Ian Berry in 1981-82 in Odessa, Soviet Ukraine.

Woman hang­ing out wash­ing in a patch of sun­shine in an over­all view of the city.

A woman in an amaz­ingly dec­o­ra­tive sun hat holds her child whilst chat­ting to another lady on the beach.

Fam­ily sit­ting on a bench in the park catch the last rays of the sun whilst the man wears his grandaugh­ters hat and the mother reads.

Woman clean­ing the win­dow of a gro­cery store with fruit and veg­etable paint­ings.

Thou­sands of birds gather in the win­try trees in front of city build­ings.

A rainy win­try scene in the city first founded by Queen Cather­ine 2nd in 1794.

Chil­dren in period cos­tume rehearse for a the­atre per­for­mance. 

Coun­try­side vis­i­tors over­look­ing the famous Potemkin Steps and the port whilst the group has their pho­to­graph taken. Cranes, ships, train and offices in the back­ground. 

A woman wait­ing on the street ignores a drunk seem­ingly comatose behind her. 

Men and women mar­ket stall hold­ers shel­ter from heavy rain under plas­tic sheet­ing whilst sort­ing their onions. 

Cou­ple uncon­sciously dupli­cate the ges­ture with their shop­ping bag of of the statue of Duke Emmanuel de Riche­lieu at the top of the famous Potemkin Steps. 

Ukraine. Odessa. One of the out­stand­ing pupils at the famous Stol­yarsky Music School play­ing on his vio­lin with a piano accom­pa­ni­ment. Pho­tographs of famous ex pupils on the wall. 

Old man with his bun­dle of wood and card­board hur­ries along in the cold with the Opera The­atre in the back­ground. 

Dance gym­nasts twirling rib­bons in time to piano music. 

Men gather to talk in the early morn­ing mist and rain in the Shevchenko Park. 

A woman sweeps the street in front of a grand old house with a statue of two loin cloth wear­ing men hold­ing up the world.

Old man with his bun­dle of wood and card­board hur­ries along in the cold with the Opera The­atre in the back­ground. 

Two men con­fer in the early morn­ing mist with the tow­ers of St Pan­telei­mon loom­ing in the background.

A woman looks through a cafe win­dow whilst bus tour guide checks names. 

Elderly lady with walk­ing stick pass­ing a win­dow adver­tis­ing a fruit drink. 

A young girl play­ing the piano under instruc­tion at the famous Stol­yarsky Music School with a por­trait of Lenin on the wall. 

A lady cleaner with her tiny dog work­ing on a win­try street. 

A cou­ple of stout ladies enjoy the sun amongst the beach crowd. 

Men wear­ing caps and win­ter clothes dis­cuss the mer­its of a bird at the pet mar­ket. 

Two men buy­ing beer from a street kiosk in the rain whilst another lays drunk on the ground. 

Women tend­ing a mar­ket stall shel­ter from heavy rain under plas­tic raincoats.

A woman try­ing to sell a flower to a man unload­ing pack­ages in the rain on a shop­ping street. 

A cou­ple of lovers meet on a bal­cony over­look­ing the port with a ham­mer and sickle sign and ships in the back­ground.

Chil­dren play­ing the local ver­sion of “Ring a ring of roses” in a gov­ern­ment kinder­garten. 

Pro­duc­ers warch a back­stage rehearsal of a mar­i­onette show in the the­atre. 

A curi­ous man in his fur hat wait­ing to board a bus in the city cen­tre. 

Mem­bers of a navy youth group in uni­form guard­ing a war memo­r­ial. 

Men buy­ing beer from a kiosk to drink on the street in the city. 

A party of women after a tra­di­tional event in the city cen­tre. 

The crows spills over into the water on a crowded beach. 

Ukraine bal­let com­pany per­for­mance onstage at the Odessa the­atre and opera house. 

Boy in toy sol­diers hat play­ing table foot­ball whilst another sports a black eye, in the grounds of a local kinder­garten.

A cou­ple share an inti­mate moment seated on a park bench whilst a woman next to them relaxes with her shoes off.

Men work­ing in the Stroigidrav­lika fac­tory mak­ing engines for cranes, exca­va­tors etc. 

A woman cud­dles a dog she hopes to sell at the pet mar­ket whilst oth­ers look on. 

A mother explain­ing to her young son the con­tents of a paint­ing in the museum. 

Bal­leri­nas take a break to chat and relax dur­ing a break in rehearsals. 


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