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February 23, 2014

38 Wonderful Color Photographs of Street Scenes of the U.S. in the 1950s

The United States in the 1950s experienced marked economic growth – with an increase in manufacturing and home construction amongst a post-World War II economic boom. The Cold War and its associated conflicts helped create a politically conservative climate in the country, as the quasi-confrontation intensified throughout the entire decade. These wonderful vintage color photographs below featuring streets scenes of the United States in the 1950s.

Logan, WV - 1950

Logan, WV - 1950

Logan, WV - 1950

Olks Drugs - 1956

Home of Pabst Blue Ribbon - 1956

The Original Home Theater - 1956

Desoto Dealer, Elmhurst, IL - 1951

Hollywood Beach Hotel 1951

Hollywood, FL 1950

Jolly Roger Hotel — 1956

Manhattan, NYC — 1959

New York Harbor — 1959

New York Harbor — 1959

Tijuana Street Vendors — 1959

Avenida Revolucion, Tijuana — 1959

Canal St., New Orleans — 1955

Royal St., New Orleans — 1955

Flanagan's Gift Shop, Sayville, NY — June 1952

Fisherman's Wharf, Redondo Beach — August 1953

The Brown Derby, Los Angeles — August 1953

Vine St., Hollywood, Los Angeles - 1953

Vine Manor Hotel, Hollywood, CA - 1953

Date Grove between Los Angeles & Las Vegas — Early 50s

Chinatown San Francisco — Early 50s

Moccasins, Indian Rugs, Jewelry, Curios - early 1950s

The Smiling Irishman, Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA - 1952

Winter in Alexandria, VA - 1956

Carib Theatre, Clearwater, FL - 1954

Boardwalk, Atlantic City - 1953

Atlantic City - 1953

Hollywood 1956

Sunrise Shopping Center — Mid-Century Modern Ft. Lauderdale, 1956

Lido-Beach Casino - Sarasota, Florida - early 50s

Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, 1953

Whitney's Cliff House, San Francisco, 1954

Colorado Springs 1952

Grand View Ship Hotel — 1953

Paul Bunyan & Babe - Early 50s

(via ElectroSpark)


  1. Really super pics - thanks for posting!

  2. Does anyone know the name of the photographer who shot the B&W lightsabre duel between vader & skywalker?




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