John Lennon received £100 for his 21st birthday from his relatives in Scotland, which he spent on a trip to Paris with Paul. On September 30th they set of, hitch-hiking from England, originally planning on going all the way to Spain, but eventually upon stopping in Paris and being hit by a sudden laziness, due to the fact that they had been hitch-hiking for days, the pair decided to stop in Paris.
They hitch-hiked back to Liverpool and arrived back at around the 15th.
(via james-winston)
"We’d never been there before. We were a bit tired so we checked into a little hotel for the night, intending to go off hitchhiking the next morning. Of course, it was too nice a bed after having hitched so we said, ‘We’ll stay a little longer,’ then we thought, ‘God, Spain is a long way, and we’d have to work to get down there.’ We ended up staying the week in Paris - John was funding it all with his hundred quid." - Paul on the anthology.They booked a very cheap hotel, that from the pictures we had seen only had one single bed. During the trip they walked around all of Paris, checking out the artistic scene in Montmartre and even getting themselves a pair of what we today call a “bell bottoms” (eventually taking them in themselves) and the new beatle cut.
They hitch-hiked back to Liverpool and arrived back at around the 15th.
(via james-winston)