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June 20, 2015

30 Vintage Photos of Bakery and Bread Trucks From Between the 1930s and 1950s

From between the 1930s and 1950s, in the days when the borough's housewives placed orders for milk and baked goods, and union drivers in uniform delivered them. The bakeries sent trucks door to door, offering the same middle-American fare that mid century children across the nation were raised on.

Mrs. Karl's Bread Truck, ca. 1940s

Butter Nut Bread

Butter Nut Bread

Dugans Bread

Cassou's Bread Truck, ca. 1950s

Mary Jane Bread Trucks, ca. 1950s

Sunbeam Bread Truck, ca. 1950s

Fischers Milk, ca. 1940s

Bond Bread Truck, ca. 1940s

Bricker's Bread Truck, ca. 1940s

Bricker's Bread Truck, ca. late 1920s-early 1930s

Webers Bread Truck

Stocks Bread Truck, 1935

Bricker's Bread Truck

Bond Bread Truck, Deep Rock Gas Station

Dugan's Bread Truck, Pelican Island, NJ, ca. mid 1930s

Pepperidge Farm Bread Truck

Pepperidge Farm Bread Trucks

Wards Tip Top Bread Truck, John Longwood, 1947

Welsh's Bread Truck, Virginia City, Nevada, September 1958

J.J. Nissen Bread Truck, Holsum Bread, Portland, Maine, ca. 1950s

Paul's Pie Truck, Metro Van, Ontiaro, Canada, ca. 1952

Bond Bread Truck, 1940 Ford, ca. 1940s

Taystee Bread Truck, Chevrolet Step Van, ca. 1959

Schaible's Bakery Truck, Easton, PA, ca. late 1940s-early 1950s

Studebaker Bread Truck, Royer's Bread, Denver, PA, ca. 1941

Ford Panel Van, Burry's Cookies, ca 1940s

Chevrolet Panel Van, Bakery Truck, Juction City Bakery, Oregon, ca. 1935

Chevrolet Panel Van, Modern Cleaners, Teutopolis, ILL, ca. 1958

Ford Delivery Truck, Castleton Brands Food Products, ca. late 1940s

(Photos © Dave Gelinas)


  1. I have a vintage small thermometer plaque that was handed out at a Brooklyn bakery..probably in the 40s or 50s. It was located at 8408 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. It was called Licht's Bakery. I can't find anything on this bakery. Does anyone know the history of this bakery? I'm just curious. My aunt who lived in Brooklyn during her adult life, brought this thermometer home during a visit and her father hung it on the wall in his kitchen. I have it in my kitchen now.

  2. Hi- My name is David Light and my great-grandfather (Samuel Licht) was the owner and operator of Licht's Bakery (my original last name was Licht). They were polish jews who came to the U.S. in the 1920's. My father and his 3 brothers worked in the bakery and lived in the apartment above. It was sold in the 1950's. It would be great if you could send me a picture of the thermometer as I'm sure my siblings would get a kick out of it. I can gladly give you more info and some pictures of the bakery if you'd like.




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