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January 7, 2016

Vintage Photos of Bill Clinton Before Becoming President

 President Bill Clinton was born August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas

Bill Clinton, 1947

Bill as a child
Bill as a child

Bill as a child

Bill as a child

Bill as a boy

Bill Clinton as a student

Young Bill Clinton with his saxophone, 1958

Bill shaking hands with President Kennedy on July 24, 1963 in the Rose Garden of the White House

Bill Clinton campaigning for U.S. Congressman, Third District of Arkansas, summer 1974

Bill and Hilary Clinton on their wedding, 1975

Bill and Hilary Clinton on their wedding, 1975

Bill and Hilary Clinton on their wedding, 1975

Bill and Hilary Clinton on their wedding, 1975

Bill and Hilary Clinton on their wedding, 1975

Bill and Hillary Clinton, 1982

Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham at Yale law School in New Haven, Connecticut in January, 1972

Bill Clinton with his daughter Chelsea in 1983

Bill with his daughter Chelsea

Bill Clinton, as newly elected Governor of Arkansas, meeting President Jimmy Carter, December 1978

Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton at the National Governor's Association meeting in 1984

Bill, Hillary and their daughter Chelsea Clinton, 1980

Hillary and Bill Clinton with Diane Blair, a close friend, ca. 1970s

Hillary and Bill Clinton, 1975

Hillary and Bill Clinton, 1980

Young Bill and Hilary Clinton


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