Each historical image contains a story behind it. Whether happy or sad, these pictures give us the feelings that are difficult to describe. Take a look 47 historical photos of Jewish people during World War II and see stories behind them.
Anny-Yolande Horowitz (born 1933, killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1942). She had blonde hair, blue eyes, rosy complexion, moderate height, and she had very cute little-girl handwriting. |
Children study in a secret school in the Kovno ghetto. |
Eight cute Jewish refugee girls in the garden of the children's home in Zuen. Rosalie Blau (now Johnson), Toni Rosenblatt, Ruth Rosenblatt, Regina Rosenblatt, Lotte Nussbaum, Inge Jose. |
Eva and Leana Münzer, Jewish sisters, pose with dolls. Their parents left them in the care of a Catholic family. Sometime after the Munzers were deported, a dispute arose between the husband and wife of the family hiding the two Münzer girls that resulted in the husband denouncing his wife and the Jewish children to the SS. The three were immediately arrested and sent to Westerbork. On February 8, 1944 the girls were deported to Auschwitz, where they were killed three days later. |
Eva and Leana Münzer, Two Jewish sisters, sit on a sofa in their home in The Hague.
They were killed when they were 6 and 8 in February 1944. |
Eva Munzer, betrayed by the husband of the woman hiding her, was murdered along with her little sister Leana in Auschwitz-Birkenau. |
Eva, Alfred, and Leana Munzer in the Hague (Only Alfred survived). |
Feigele Blacher, Pessah Cofnas and his wife Rivka in Eišiškės (Feigele was murdered, Pessah and Rivkah survived in Siberia). |
Four Jewish teenage girls who are members of the Hashomer Hatzair Zionist youth movement in Eisiskes, pose in their uniforms. Pictured from right to left are: Breine Plotnik, Sara Ginunski, name unknown and Mikhele Plotnik.
All were killed by Germans during the September 1941 mass shooting action in Eišiškės. |
French Jewish couple of the resistance. |
Genia Gross, beauty of Chelm, Poland who was killed in the Holocaust. |
Girls sew French flags at Hagenow DP camp. |
Group portrait of Jewish orphans who had survived Theresienstadt with the wife of Czech President Edvard Benes and the wife of the American Ambassador Laurence Steinhart. Each child holds a new toy. |
Hannah Kastan, hidden during the Holocaust, who survived with her paternal non-Jewish grandparents stands outside holding a teddy bear in Berlin. |
Helen Verblunsky in the Kovno ghetto, she survived and emigrated to Canada. |
Henia Wisgardisky in Kovno ghetto holding a doll. For several years she and her family lived in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp before emigrating to Palestine. Later the family moved to Canada. |
Hildegard Wolff, German-Jewish survivor, reads at home. |
Jewish girls from Germany at a Kinderlager (children's recreational summer camp) in Horserod, Denmark. |
Jewish girls in Purim costume at the Ulm DP camp. |
Jewish girls of the Zionist movement in Lodz (Only five of the girls pictured survived the war). |
Jewish kiddies in Zeilsheim DP camp. |
Jewish refugee father and daughter in Vilna, once part of Poland but now part of Lithuania. |
Jewish refugee girls from Germany, including Anne and Margot Frank, have a tea party with their dolls at a private home in Amsterdam. |
Jewish refugee schoolgirls in Nairobi, Kenya. |
Jewish youth singing at the Youth Aliyah school in Berlin. |
Jews from Subcarpathian Rus who have been selected for death at Auschwitz-Birkenau, wait in a clearing near a grove of trees before being led to the gas chambers. Pictured are members of the Pinkas and Gutmann families. Golda Pinkas Berkovics is pictured at the bottom right, Moshe Leib Pinkas is the child in the foreground. Behind him is Sheindele Pinkas. On the bottom left is Rivka Gutmann holding her daughter. All are from Maramaros. |
Lovely girl from the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw. |
Man with a young member of the Betar Zionist group. |
Portrait of a young girl who was one of the many hundreds of thousands of children murdered in the Holocaust. |
Refugee Jewish kids on Tongshan Road, Hong Kong. |
Selma Schwarzwald who had lived in hiding as a Polish Catholic during the war dressed for her First Communion. She survived the war and became a doctor, dying in NYC in 2002. |
Selma Schwarzwald, a Jewish child who lived in hiding as a Polish Catholic during the war, poses with a novice nun at a summer camp for orphaned children at a convent in Rabka, Poland. |
Studio portrait of the Englander family, taken on the eve of Lillian's emigration to the U.S.
Pictured (from left to right) are: Rozi, Ettela (Adolph's wife), Anush (standing), Ali, (Adolph's youngest son); Magda (Adolph's daughter), Shlomi (standing) and Lillian Englander. Shlomi Englander died soon after this portrait was taken. Rozi went into hiding with her niece, Magda. She was caught in 1942 and deported to Poland. Anush was killed in 1942, along with her husband and child. Adolph and Ettela Englander, together with their two children, Ali and Magda, were deported to Auschwitz in 1944. Only Magda survived. |
Studio portrait of two sisters in Eišiškės. Rivka Dubczanski is pictured on the right, and her sister, Masha, is on her left. Both Dubczanski sisters were murdered by the Germans during the September 1941 mass killing action in Eišiškės. |
Sweet Jewish refugee kids on family farm, Kenya. |
Teenage boy and girl in the Warsaw Ghetto. |
Three Jewish siblings in Cologne. |
Two young girls stand outside a house in the Kovno ghetto holding bread and bowls of food. |
Young German-Jewish teenagers wearing party hats gather for a birthday party in a room decorated with paper streamers. |
Young girl sitting on 'Only For Aryans' bench. |
Young girls of Eišiškės, 1941. On 21 September 1941, an Einsatzgruppen unit entered Eišiškės and killed the approximately 4,000 Jewish residents, sadly they were among those killed. |
Young survivor sings at Ulm DP camp. |
Young survivors celebrate Hanukkah at the Landsberg Displaced Persons camp, 1945. |
Young zionists gather in Lodz ghetto. |
A Jewish couple in the Kovno ghetto. |
A touching photo of two teenaged sisters, survivors of the Holocaust in a Displaced Persons camp. |
Adorable little kiddies put on a Purim play in the Cremona, Italy DP camp. |