The Seven Year Itch is a 1955 American romantic comedy film based on a three-act play with the same name by George Axelrod. The film was co-written and directed by Billy Wilder, and stars Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell, reprising his Broadway role from the play.
The film contains one of the most iconic images of the 20th century – Monroe standing on a subway grate as her white dress is blown upwards by a passing train. The scene was shot by photographer Sam Shaw on September 15, 1954, also known as the famous 'flying skirt'.
Here is an interesting photo collection of women in dresses that follows this image icon.
The film contains one of the most iconic images of the 20th century – Monroe standing on a subway grate as her white dress is blown upwards by a passing train. The scene was shot by photographer Sam Shaw on September 15, 1954, also known as the famous 'flying skirt'.
Here is an interesting photo collection of women in dresses that follows this image icon.