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July 17, 2017

18 Vintage Photos Prove That People Have Always Been A Little Crazy For Their Pets

People can be very weird when it comes to their pets. We all know at least one person who has made a Facebook profile for their cat. Or maybe they made their dog wear a matching sweater for their yearly Christmas card. Those people exist. Oddly enough, they have existed for a long time. These vintage photos prove that people have always been a little crazy for their pets…

1. How to balance a relationship and pet care.

(SSPL / Getty Images)

2. Something tells me this wasn’t a very rapid ride.

(Hulton Collection / Getty Images)

3. “Alright babe, where to?”

(Fox Photos / Getty Images)

4. This swan is just upset because it expected a limo.

(William Vanderson / Getty Images)

5. This elephant has an urgent call to make.

(Jcohn Drysdale / Getty Images)

6. “No pressure, but the whole game is on your shoulders now, Roo.”

(Fox Photos / Getty Images)

7. And in this corner...

(Imagno / Getty Images)

8. This elephant would have picked a different club.

(Keystone-France / Getty Images)

9. This pup was hoping for a hole in one.

(General Photographic Agency / Getty Images)

10. This is definitely the cutest caddie ever.

(Orlando / Getty Images)

11. “Hold still and say carrots!”

(Keystone-France / Getty Images)

12. If this didn’t make the kid smile, nothing will.

(Bert Hardy / Getty Images)

13. This chicken dinner is a little undercooked.

(Keystone / Getty Images)

14. Everyone’s a critic.

(Margaret Chute / Getty Images)

15. Because simply taking it for a walk was getting boring.

(Carl Sutton / Getty Images)

16. Sargent Sparky only rides in style.

(Hans Meyer / Getty Images)

17. They fit the whole family in for the portrait.

(General Photographic Agency / Getty Images)

18. The title match of a lifetime.

(Topical Press Agency / Getty Images)

(via Rest Nova)



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