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October 11, 2017

A Portrait Photo of President John F. Kennedy in 1962 and a Lovely Story Behind It

President John F. Kennedy in 1962

This portrait photo of President John F. Kennedy from Jill and here is her story lovely story behind it:

“My Grandmother Nell went to Washington, D.C. during the time John F. Kennedy was President. She was attending a National Pen Women's Convention. It was probably in 1962. As my grandmother told my mother, my grandmother called the White House and spoke with Mrs. Lincoln, President Kennedy's secretary and told her how much I loved President Kennedy and asked for a photograph of him for me.

This photo was mailed to our home not much later. The inscription says "To Mary Jane Harris with every good wish. John F. Kennedy." I think it's his signature. Who knows.... But I love it and am glad I have it.”



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