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March 24, 2018

Stunning Photos of Marilyn Monroe During the Filming of 'The Seven Year Itch' in 1954 by George S. Zimbel

Born in 1929 in Woburn, Massachusetts, and settled in Canada about 1971 as a sort of protest against the Vietnam war, American-Canadian documentary photographer George Sydney Zimbel worked professionally since the late 1940s, mainly as a freelancer.

Zimbel photographed Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman and Richard Nixon, but nowadays he is known first for his famous photo of Marilyn Monroe, whose skirt is blowing around her in the powerful draft rising from the subway.

Now his photos of American icons are found in major museums and at auctions by Christie’s or Swann in New York.

Take a look at these amazing photos Zimbel shot Marilyn Monroe and the vent blowing air uprising her skirt at Lexington Avenue and 52nd Street, NYC during the filming of 'The Seven Year Itch' in 1954.



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