Photography is an amazing medium. In certain frames it can give us a candid glimpse of everyday life and transport us to another era. This is exactly what happens in these fabulous snapshots taken by photographer Arthur K. Syer.
Syer’s friend the illustrator and cartoonist Phil May asked Arthur to take the photos for him to capture everyday life on Sydney streets. He wished to used the photos as a study for his illustrations – a gesture here, the tilt of the hat there, characters and types.
And so in the 1880s Arthur K. Syer strolled through the streets of Sydney with his parcel-wrapped, hand-held ‘Detective Camera’. This innovative little camera, way before James Bond or Maxwell Smart, allowed Arthur to take photographs without the subject’s knowledge.
The photos are compelling. You feels like you are there wandering along the street yourself. Check out some of amazing candid photographs taken by Arthur Syer below.
Syer’s friend the illustrator and cartoonist Phil May asked Arthur to take the photos for him to capture everyday life on Sydney streets. He wished to used the photos as a study for his illustrations – a gesture here, the tilt of the hat there, characters and types.
And so in the 1880s Arthur K. Syer strolled through the streets of Sydney with his parcel-wrapped, hand-held ‘Detective Camera’. This innovative little camera, way before James Bond or Maxwell Smart, allowed Arthur to take photographs without the subject’s knowledge.
The photos are compelling. You feels like you are there wandering along the street yourself. Check out some of amazing candid photographs taken by Arthur Syer below.