Bring back some good or bad memories


October 5, 2024

Italian Coffee Served in Style at the Caffè Florian in Venice During “Acqua Alta” in 1963

Caffè Florian is a coffee house situated in the Procuratie Nuove of Piazza San Marco, Venice. It was established in 1720 and is the oldest coffee house in continuous operation in Italy, and one of the oldest in the world (the oldest being Queen’s Lane Coffee House in Oxford, founded in 1654).

In 1963, Venice experienced one of its notorious acqua alta (high water) events, where the city’s streets and squares were submerged under water due to a combination of high tides and atmospheric conditions. Caffè Florian continued to operate with flair despite the flooding.

The scene at Caffè Florian during acqua alta in 1963 would have been both surreal and iconic. Waiters, likely dressed in their traditional formal attire, would have been serving coffee and refreshments. The café, known for its elegant interiors with rich decorations and antique furniture, would have stood in stark contrast to the water covering the ground, creating a unique blend of Venetian resilience and luxury.

The spirit of Venice in these moments is one of elegance undeterred by nature, and Caffè Florian during acqua alta is an enduring image of that resilience, with locals and tourists alike sipping their espressos, perhaps with elevated wooden platforms to keep dry, while the city outside continues its dance with the sea.


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