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February 17, 2025

35 Amazing Posters Illustrated by Jean de Paleologu in the Late 19th Century

Born 1855 in Bucharest, Romanian poster artist, painter, and illustrator Paleologu trained in England, then returned to Romania and attended a military academy. He visited London again several times, then moved to Paris. He left Paris for the United States in 1900.

Paleologu illustrated Petits poèmes russes (Small Russian Poems) by Catulle Mendès, published by Charpentier in 1893. His work also appeared in many periodicals, including Vanity Fair, Strand Magazine, New York Herald Tribune, Plume, Rire, Cocorico, Les Maîtres de l’Affiche, Froufrou, Sans-Gêne, and Vie en Rose.

Paleologu painted portraits of comedians and music-hall performers, and created some of the most influential poster advertisements for bicycle manufacturers (such as the Déesse) and cycling events, often featuring beautiful women.

During the latter part of his life in the United States, Paleologu worked in applied graphics: at first magazines, then ads and publicity for the auto, film and animation industries. He died in 1942 in Miami Beach. Here below is a set of amazing posters illustrated by Jean de Paleologu in the 1890s.

Olympia, Grand Ballet "Brighton", 1893

Scotland’s Soap, For the Select World, 1893

Arista, La Meilleure Eau de Table, 1894

Théâtre de la République, Le Tour du Monde d'un Enfant de Paris, 1894

La République, Journal des Républicains Progressistes, 1895

Olympia, Irma de Montigny, "Mauvais Rêve", circa 1895

Parfums des Femmes de France, circa 1895

Chand d'Habits, Tous les soirs aux Folies Bergère, 1896

Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens Simon Girard, L'Enlèvement de la Toledad, 1896

Cusenier Peach Brandy, Liqueur de Pêches, circa 1897

Cycles Déesse, 1897

Fernand Clément et Cie., 1897

Folies-Bergère, La Loïe Fuller, 1897

Genty Kola-Coca, circa 1897

La Chanoinesse, Liqueur de l'Abbaye de Bouxières aux Dames, 1897

"Mandragorine", Crème de Menthe Glaciale, Cusenier, 1898

A bas l'Intermédiaire, Gustave Fabre, Nîmes, circa 1898

Crême Orientale, Poudre & Savon, circa 1898

Cycles Clément, 1898

Folies-Bergère, La Belle Guerrero, 1898

La Liberté, Paris, 1898

La Péoria-Bicyclette Americaine de Luxe, circa 1898

Imprimez vous-même, Eyquem, Paris, 1899

Liqueurs Spéciales à base de vieille fine Champagne, Extra-Dry, Cusenier, circa 1899

Théâtre Géant, Columbia a la Porte-Maillot, "L'Orient", 1899

Théâtre Géant, Columbia à la Porte-Maillot, L'Orient, 1899

Falcon, The Franco American Bicycle Co., circa 1890s

Humber & Co., circa 1890s

La Loïe Fuller, Folies Bergère, circa 1890s

Patin-Bicyclette, Richard-Choubersky, circa 1890s

Phebus Cycles, Paris, circa 1890s

Société La Française Pneu Diamant, circa 1890s

The Franco-American Bicycle Co., Falcon, circa 1890s

Visitez Le Palais Royal, circa 1890s

Whitworth Cycles, circa 1890s

1 comment:

  1. It’s remarkable how so many of these are racy, even by today’s standards. Even the “nun” is pretty hot…




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