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October 20, 2015

Rarely Seen Photos of London's Clubland From Between the Mid 1970s and Early 1980s

From Punks to New Romantics, the decade between the mid-70s and mid-80s produced a kaleidoscope of styles and tribes.

Graham Smith was at the centre of this creative cult. He designed its record sleeves, cultivated its graphics and captured its characters, taking extraordinary pictures throughout the period, most of which have never been reproduced before.

Alternative Miss World, Olympia. Colin Swift, 1981.

Boy George and Jeremy Healy, 1980.

Camden Palace, opening night. Martim Kemp, Biddie and Eve, Steve Norman (Spandau Ballet), 1981.

Clare Thom, Boy George, Michele Clapton. Coach trip to Margate, 1980.

Clare Thom and Stephen Linard on their way to see Spandau Ballet, 1981.

Stephen Linard and Michele Clapton on their way to see Spandau Ballet, 1980.

Chris Sullivan, 1980.

Boy George, 1981.

Kim Bowen, Warren Street squat. In Stephen Jones hat, 1980.

Michele Clapton, 1980.

St. Moritz club, Stevie Stewart, 1980.

Stephen Linard, 1979.

Claire Thom, Philip Sallon and Boy George, on a coach trip to Margate, 1980.

Haysi Fantayzee. Taken in the apartment of Kate Garner's boyfriend, Paul Caplin, in Middlesex Street, 1983.

Myra and Michele. Shot at Saint Martins College for Stephen Linard's fashion show, 1980.

Sade and Barbara from Pride, taken at Heaven, 1983.

Steve Strange in Wales. Spandau Ballet had played at Casablancas in Tiger Bay, and this was taken after the show in a pub in Cardiff Docks, 1981.

Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet) at a Warren Street squat, 1981.

(Photos © Graham Smith)



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